Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Bender T, Bálint G, Prohászka Z, Géher P, Tefner IK
    Evidence-based hydro- and balneotherapy in Hungary--a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Biometeorol. 2014 Apr;58(3):311-23. doi: 10.1007/s00484-013-0667-6. Epub 2013 May 16. Review.
  •   Hanzel A, Berényi K, Horváth K, Szendi K, Németh B, Varga C
    Evidence for the therapeutic effect of the organic content in Szigetvár thermal water on osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Int J Biometeorol. 2019 Apr;63(4):449-458. doi: 10.1007/s00484-019-01676-3. Epub 2019 Feb 7.
  •   Hanzel A, Horvát K, Molics B, Berényi K, Németh B, Szendi K, Varga C
    Clinical improvement of patients with osteoarthritis using thermal mineral water at Szigetvár Spa-results of a randomised double-blind controlled study. Int J Biometeorol. 2018 Feb;62(2):253-259. doi: 10.1007/s00484-017-1446-6. Epub 2017 Sep 27.
  •   Matsumoto S
    Evaluation of the Role of Balneotherapy in Rehabilitation Medicine. J Nippon Med Sch. 2018;85(4):196-203. doi: 10.1272/jnms.JNMS.2018_85-30. Review.
  •   Morer C, Roques CF, Françon A, Forestier R, Maraver F
    The role of mineral elements and other chemical compounds used in balneology: data from double-blind randomized clinical trials. Int J Biometeorol. 2017 Dec;61(12):2159-2173. doi: 10.1007/s00484-017-1421-2. Epub 2017 Aug 28. Review.
  •   Szucs L, Ratko I, Lesko T, Szoor I, Genti G, Balint G
    Double-blind trial on the effectiveness of the Puspokladany thermal water on arthrosis of the knee-joints. J R Soc Health. 1989 Feb;109(1):7-9.

Introducing a New and Validated Placebo Development Method to Healing Water Based Rehabilitation Research

Details for clinical trial NCT04290143