Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Abrahams BS, Geschwind DH
    Advances in autism genetics: on the threshold of a new neurobiology. Nat Rev Genet. 2008 May;9(5):341-55. doi: 10.1038/nrg2346. Review. Erratum in: Nat Rev Genet. 2008 Jun;9(6):493.
  •   Bibby P, Eikeseth S, Martin NT, Mudford OC, Reeves D
    Progress and outcomes for children with autism receiving parent-managed intensive interventions. Res Dev Disabil. 2002 Jan-Feb;23(1):81-104.
  •   Boyd RD, Corley MJ
    Outcome survey of early intensive behavioral intervention for young children with autism in a community setting. Autism. 2001 Dec;5(4):430-41.

Characterization of Autism Spectrum Disorder in School Aged Children

Details for clinical trial NCT00938054