Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Adamu YM, Salihu HM
    Barriers to the use of antenatal and obstetric care services in rural Kano, Nigeria. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2002 Nov;22(6):600-3.
  •   Aremu O, Lawoko S, Dalal K
    Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage, individual wealth status and patterns of delivery care utilization in Nigeria: a multilevel discrete choice analysis. Int J Womens Health. 2011;3:167-74. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S21783. Epub 2011 Jul 4.
  •   Bhutta ZA, Ali S, Cousens S, Ali TM, Haider BA, Rizvi A, Okong P, Bhutta SZ, Black RE
    Alma-Ata: Rebirth and Revision 6 Interventions to address maternal, newborn, and child survival: what difference can integrated primary health care strategies make? Lancet. 2008 Sep 13;372(9642):972-89. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61407-5.
  •   Buor D, Bream K
    An analysis of the determinants of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2004 Oct;13(8):926-38.
  •   Chinkhumba J, De Allegri M, Muula AS, Robberstad B
    Maternal and perinatal mortality by place of delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: a meta-analysis of population-based cohort studies. BMC Public Health. 2014 Sep 28;14:1014. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1014.
  •   Fapohunda B, Orobaton N
    Factors influencing the selection of delivery with no one present in Northern Nigeria: implications for policy and programs. Int J Womens Health. 2014 Jan 31;6:171-83. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S54628. eCollection 2014.
  •   Harrison KA
    Are traditional birth attendants good for improving maternal and perinatal health? No. BMJ. 2011 Jun 14;342:d3308. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d3308.
  •   Harrison KA
    The struggle to reduce high maternal mortality in Nigeria. Afr J Reprod Health. 2009 Sep;13(3):9-20.
  •   Hogan MC, Foreman KJ, Naghavi M, Ahn SY, Wang M, Makela SM, Lopez AD, Lozano R, Murray CJ
    Maternal mortality for 181 countries, 1980-2008: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5. Lancet. 2010 May 8;375(9726):1609-23. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60518-1. Epub 2010 Apr 9.
  •   Huda FA, Ahmed A, Ford ER, Johnston HB
    Strengthening health systems capacity to monitor and evaluate programmes targeted at reducing abortion-related maternal mortality in Jessore district, Bangladesh. BMC Health Serv Res. 2015 Sep 28;15:426. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-1115-6.
  •   Lassi ZS, Bhutta ZA
    Community-based intervention packages for reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improving neonatal outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Mar 23;3:CD007754. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007754.pub3. Review.
  •   Lassi ZS, Haider BA, Bhutta ZA
    Community-based intervention packages for reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improving neonatal outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Nov 10;(11):CD007754. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007754.pub2. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015;3:CD007754.
  •   Lewycka S, Mwansambo C, Kazembe P, Phiri T, Mganga A, Rosato M, Chapota H, Malamba F, Vergnano S, Newell ML, Osrin D, Costello A
    A cluster randomised controlled trial of the community effectiveness of two interventions in rural Malawi to improve health care and to reduce maternal, newborn and infant mortality. Trials. 2010 Sep 17;11:88. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-88.
  •   Montoya A, Calvert C, Filippi V
    Explaining differences in maternal mortality levels in sub-Saharan African hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Health. 2014 Mar;6(1):12-22. doi: 10.1093/inthealth/iht037. Epub 2014 Feb 18. Review.
  •   Moyer CA, Dako-Gyeke P, Adanu RM
    Facility-based delivery and maternal and early neonatal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: a regional review of the literature. Afr J Reprod Health. 2013 Sep;17(3):30-43. Review.
  •   Nkwo PO, Lawani LO, Ezugwu EC, Iyoke CA, Ubesie AC, Onoh RC
    Correlates of poor perinatal outcomes in non-hospital births in the context of weak health system: the Nigerian experience. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014 Sep 30;14:341. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-341.
  •   O'Donnell O
    Access to health care in developing countries: breaking down demand side barriers. Cad Saude Publica. 2007 Dec;23(12):2820-34.
  •   Okonofua F, Lambo E, Okeibunor J, Agholor K
    Advocacy for free maternal and child health care in Nigeria--Results and outcomes. Health Policy. 2011 Feb;99(2):131-8. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.07.013. Epub 2010 Aug 19.
  •   Rosato M, Laverack G, Grabman LH, Tripathy P, Nair N, Mwansambo C, Azad K, Morrison J, Bhutta Z, Perry H, Rifkin S, Costello A
    Community participation: lessons for maternal, newborn, and child health. Lancet. 2008 Sep 13;372(9642):962-71. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61406-3.
  •   Thaddeus S, Maine D
    Too far to walk: maternal mortality in context. Soc Sci Med. 1994 Apr;38(8):1091-110. Review.

Increasing Women's Access to Skilled Pregnancy Care to Reduce Maternal and Perinatal Mortality in Nigeria: A Randomized Control Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT02643953