Shoulder Pain Clinical Trial
Official title:
sEmg Biofeedback Training in Individuals With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: Randomized Controlled Trial
Objective: To investigate the effects of EMG biofeedback training on the pattern of scapular muscle activation and kinematics in subjects with subacromial pain syndrome. Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial, which will be composed of 40 volunteers of both genders, aged between 30 and 60 years. All volunteers will undergo pre-assessment (IA): pain sensation, pain and function, shoulder range of motion, muscle strength, electromyographic activity and kinematics of the shoulder complex. After the initial evaluation, the volunteers will be randomly divided into two groups for the intervention: exercises group (GE - conventional exercises with elastic band) and Biofeedback group (BG - Biofeedback training). The intervention protocol will last eight weeks. After four weeks, the second assessment (SA), similar to IA, will be performed and the global change perception questionnaire will be added. At the end of the intervention protocol, the third evaluation (TA), similar to SA, will be performed. A follow-up will be performed 4 weeks after the end of the intervention protocol, with the assessment being equal to TA. Statistical Analysis will be performed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20.0 for Windows, following the principles of intention-to-treat analysis. The descriptive analysis will use the mean as a measure of central tendency and the standard deviation as a measure of dispersion. A mixed model ANOVA will be performed for intra and intergroup comparisons.
This work was submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee (CEP) of the Federal University
of Rio Grande do Norte through the national interface "Plataforma Brasil" and approved in its
ethical aspects based on Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council and the Declaration
of Helsinki under registration number 3246854. All data will be registered in a confidential
database of the laboratory and can only be handled by the responsible researchers. All
individuals will be invited to voluntarily participate in the study and must sign the Free
and Informed Consent Form (FICF) containing information about the purposes, risks and
benefits of the research. A pilot study was carried out aiming at the adequacy of all the
research procedures, as well as the training of the researchers involved. After signing the
FICF sociodemographic, anthropometric and clinical data will be collected and then the
individuals will be submitted to the evaluation procedures. Four identical evaluations will
be carried out before, during and after the intervention protocol. Initially, initial
assessment (IA) will record the baseline data prior to the protocol, the second assessment
(SA) will be performed after the first four weeks of protocol, the third (TA) at the end of
the 8 week intervention protocol, and the fourth (FA) four weeks after the end of the
protocol. The evaluation of the pain sensation will be performed through the numerical pain
scale. Volunteers will be instructed by the evaluator to scale the intensity of pain based on
the last 24 hours. The scale is composed of 11 items, 0 being described as "painless" and 10
as "worst possible pain" at its extremities. Participants will then complete the Brazilian
version of the Desabilities of the arm, shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. It is a
self-assessment questionnaire containing 30 questions with the purpose of assessing physical
function, symptoms and social function. Five possible responses are presented ranging from
"no difficulty" to "unable to perform activity". Responses are scored on a rating scale of
one to five points. The score calculation is performed by applying established formulas.
Volunteers will be instructed by the evaluator to complete the items in the questionnaire
that have been applicable in the last 24 hours. The higher the final score, the greater the
disability. Motion amplitudes will be evaluated by the Smartphone clinometer application
(Plaincode Software Solutions) which operates as a reliable and validated inclinometer. The
Range Of Motion (ROM) of flexion, hyperextension, lateral rotation and medial rotation of the
shoulder will be evaluated. The flexion and the hyperextension of the shoulder will be
evaluated in the sitting position. The evaluator will position the smartphone parallel to the
subject's arm secured in an appropriate device, aligned to the lateral epicondyle of the
elbow and will request flexion and active hyperextension respectively of the shoulder with
the elbow in complete extension. Lateral and medial rotation of the shoulder will be
evaluated with the volunteer in the supine position at the table, shoulder abducted at 90 °
and elbows at 90 ° flexion. The evaluator will position the smartphone on the forearm of the
individual aligned between the lateral epicondyle and the wrist and between the medial
epicondyle and the wrist for the medial and lateral rotation movement respectively. Peak
torque evaluation will be perfomed using a portable hand held dynamometer (Lafayette
Instrument®, model 01165, USA). Data will be recorded from two 5 seconds maximum voluntary
isometric contractions (MVIC), with a 1-minute interval. The average of the two tests will be
considered for analysis. The evaluation will be carried out by the same evaluator and will be
positioned in such a way as to counteract the requested movement. The electromyographic
signal will be captured by an 8-channel signal conditioning modulator (Noraxon® surface,
Scottsdale, AZ, USA) with a 16-bit resolution and common mode rejection rate> 100 Db. The
signals will be captured at a sample rate set to 1500 Hz, filtered at a frequency between 10
and 500 Hz and amplified 1000 times. Signal capture will be performed using passive surface
self-adhesive electrodes (Noraxon®, USA), separated by an inter-electrode distance of 2 cm.
The electrodes were placed in the Upper Trapezius (UT), Lower Trapezius (LT), Middle
Trapezius (MT) and Serratus Anterior (SA) muscles, in accordance with the SENIAM guidelines .
First, individuals will perform three movements of arm elevations in the plane of the scapula
in the standing position. The arm will be positioned at 40 degrees from the frontal plane
measured by MotionMonitor software (Innovative Sports Training, Chicago, IL) of kinematic
analysis and the motion will be directed with the aid of a vertical support. Each movement
should occur in approximately eight seconds with four seconds in the concentric phase and
four seconds in the eccentric phase. The subjects will then perform isometric contractions of
5 seconds with and without load at angles 30 °, 60 °, 90 ° and 120 ° of shoulder abduction.
The load will be determined from a test with the same movement with dumbbells of 2kg, 1kg and
0.5kg respectively Taking as reference a score not higher than 3 on the Borg effort scale
(moderate effort). The Root Means Square averages for each phase will be recorded and the
ratios UT / LT, UT / MT, UT / SA will be analyzed. The electromyographic data (in microvolts)
will be normalized by the peak of the signal recorded during the MVIC. The three-dimensional
analysis of the movement of the shoulder complex will be performed using the Flock of Birds
(Ascension Technologies, Burlington, VT) electromagnetic tracking system associated with
MotionMonitor software (Innovative Sports Training, Chicago, IL). Volunteers will be asked to
stay in a neutral position with the transmitter directly in the shoulder joint to be
evaluated and three superficial electromagnetic sensors will be positioned to the skin of the
volunteers in pre-established anatomical marks. A double-sided tape will be used, in specific
anatomical points: in the sternum, inferiorly to the sternal furcula; on a flat surface in
the posterior and medial part of the acromion process; and one fixed at the junction of the
deltoids attached with velcro to the volunteers' arm directly above the epicondyles of the
humerus. A sensor will be connected to a stylus, for digitizing the anatomical points and
constructing the coordinate system for each joint. The anatomical coordinate systems will be
established for each segment by the digitization of the anatomical marks according to the
protocol recommended by the International Society of Biomechanics - ISB36. The anatomical
marks will be palpated and marked by a researcher who has experience with the protocol. then
it will be estimated by passively moving the arm in short rotation amplitudes in several
different positions. After completing the scan, the volunteers will assume a neutral standing
position, with their arms resting in the body sludge, for approximately five seconds (time
required for the angular values to be recorded).
The kinematic evaluation will be performed concomitantly with the recording of
electromyographic activity. After the evaluation the subjects will be randomly distributed in
Exercise Group (EG) and Biofeedback Group (BG) through the site GE and
GB should attend twice a week, for eight consecutive weeks to the physiotherapy department of
UFRN to carry out their respective intervention protocols. Each session will have an average
duration of 30 minutes and should be justified in case of absence. All will be instructed to
perform ice packs for 30 minutes in case of severe pain. The GE will perform a strengthening
protocol and will have four elastic bands with different resistances available (light (red),
moderate (blue), strong (purple) and extra strong (gray) for the progression of elbow flexion
exercises, medial rotation of the shoulder, lateral rotation of the shoulder and scapular
retraction. To determine the initial load the individual will perform a series of 10
repetitions of each exercise with the moderate resistance band (blue) and should not present
pain greater than that reported in the initial evaluation and score above "moderate". For the
exercise called "push up plus "the initial load will be determined from the kneeling position
supported with the hands in the step using the same criteria of pain and scores of the borg
scale mentioned above. The intensity progression will be due to the complexity of the
exercise. Biofeedback (GB) volunteers will perform the same GE exercises added to the sEMG
biofeedback in the upper trapezius (UT), Middle Trapezius (MT), Lower Trapezius (LT), and
Anterior Serratil (AS) muscles in real time displayed in a computer screen during exercises.
In the Y-axis of the screen the EMG amplitude is displayed and in the X-axis the time domain
Volunteers will be instructed to change their movement strategies in order to decrease TS
activity and facilitate MT, LT, and AS activity during exercises by viewing the computer
screen. The researcher should guide the process through the verbal command.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Recruiting |
NCT04930393 -
Evaluating the Efficacy of PECS II Block Versus Axillary Ring Block in Rotator Cuff Repair Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03717753 -
Rotator Cuff Pathway
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04454671 -
Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Neuromodulation Versus Dry Needling in Shoulder Pain Treatment
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT06274827 -
Electromyographic Analysis of Scapular Muscles During Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05413213 -
Ambulatory Rehabilitation Program in Patients With Degenerative Rupture of the Rotator Cuff Tendons of the Shoulder
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05043844 -
Comparison of the Incidence of Shoulder Pain According to Postoperative Use of Abdominal Binder
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT02903719 -
The Effect of Phrenic Nerve Block on Postoperative Shoulder Pain in Patients for Liver Resection.
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT02777281 -
Safe and Effective Shoulder Exercise Training in Manual Wheelchair Users With SCI
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02554968 -
Reliability and Validity of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Head and Neck Cancer
Recruiting |
NCT02242630 -
Relationship to Dose of Triamcinolone Acetonide and Methylyprednisolone to Improvement in Subacromial Bursitis
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT02843269 -
Multiple-component Workplace FRamed Intervention to Decrease Occupational Muscle Pain - FRIDOM
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02631395 -
The Effect of a Shoulder Training Program to Prevent Shoulder Pain Among Girls in Junior Team Handball
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01733914 -
Contralateral Acupuncture in the Treatment of Chronic Shoulder Pain
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT01885377 -
SWESS: The SWedish Exercise Shoulder Study in Primary Care for Patients With Subacromial Pain
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01205542 -
Work Place Adjusted Intelligent Physical Exercise Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in Shoulder and Neck (VIMS) - Shoulder Function
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01843660 -
An Efficacy and Safety Study of Tramadol Hydrochloride-Paracetamol in Treatment of Moderate to Severe Acute Neck-Shoulder Pain and Low Back Pain
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT00743600 -
Ultrasound Evaluation of the Rotator Cable and Associated Structures.
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00679887 -
Chronic Shoulder Pain Treated by Pressures With the Thumbs on the Trigger Points
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT04058522 -
Treatment of Subacromial Shoulder Pain by Individual or Group Physiotherapy Following Corticosteroid Injection
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03353272 -
The Influence of a Cognitive Behavioral Approach on Changing Patient Expectations in Shoulder Pain
N/A |