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Seach Results for — “homeopathic medicine”

Efficacy Study of Homeopathic Medicines in Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and/or Induced Bronchial Asthma - SBRCTHILARBA

An Evidence-based Single-blind Randomized Controlled Trial Searching for the Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in Reducing Serum Levels of Cytokines (IL - 10, 13) and Immunoglobulin E in Allergic Rhinitis and/or Induced Bronchial Asthma

The purpose of this study is to test whether individualized homeopathic medicines can produce any significant effect beyond placebo in treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or induced bronchial asthma

NCT02255136 — Rhinitis; Allergic, With Asthma
Status: Completed

A Safety and Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine Rhus Toxicodendron 30 in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Multicentric,Double-blind,Placebo Controlled,Phase-2 Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine Rhus Toxicodendron 30 in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis .

the purpose of the study is to assess the safety and efficacy of commonly used Homeopathic medicine Rhustoxicodendron in 30 potency in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis.

NCT01905735 — Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Status: Recruiting

"Pi" and Hot Flushes

Effects of Homeopathic Medicine "Pi" on Hot Flushes of Women With Menopausal Symptoms

Hot flushes are common symptoms in women after menopause, and are important causes of discomfort and lead to high number of medical consultations. Hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment, however it can bring undesirable consequences and may be contraindicated for some women. Options are inhibitors of serotonin or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake, gabapentin, herbal medicines and homeopathy. None of these therapies is widely accepted of effective. Therefore, the search for new therapeutic options is highly desirable. Ingestion of malagueta pepper fruits (Capsicum frutescens L. var. malagueta) causes sensations similar to those experienced by menopausal women during hot flushes. By the principle of homeopathy, "the like cures the like", the objectives of this study are: (a) to determinate whether pathogenesis of a homeopathic medicine made from C. frutescens fruits include symptoms like hot flushes, and (b) whether this medicine is effective on hot flushes relief in women after menopause. There will be 2 distinct phases. Phase 1 is the determination of the medicine's pathogenesis in healthy volunteers, in a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind design. Phase 2 is the investigation of the medicine's effects on hot flushes of women after menopause, in a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind design. The investigators expect a significant reduction on symptoms perception, assessed by internationally validated tools. The study is expected to last for 18 months, with 36 patients included in each phase.

NCT01315041 — Menopausal Symptom Relief
Status: Completed

Homeopathic Cold Medicine for Children

Homeopathic Cold Medicine for Children

The purpose of this study is to determine if a commercially available homeopathic cold remedy for children is effective in providing relief from cold symptoms in children 2-5 years old. It is postulated that children will have relief of symptoms after receiving a dose of the cold remedy

NCT00858494 — Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Status: Completed