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Seach Results for — “Absence Seizure”

Concomitant High-resolution Recording of Haemodynamic and Electrical Activities of Children With Typical or Atypical Absence Seizures - Absence

Concomitant High-resolution Recording of Haemodynamic and Electrical Activities of Children With Typical or Atypical Absence Seizures: Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Coupled to Electroencephalography (EEG)

This study, conducted in children with typical or atypical "absence" epilepsy, will consist of noninvasive recording of the metabolic activity of the brain concomitantly with electroencephalographic recording during seizures without the need for any additional examination. This examination will be performed by combining near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) optical imaging and Electroencephalography (EEG) in a simultaneous High-Resolution (HR) recording. Surface electroencephalography (EEG) is a valuable tool to assess neuronal dysfunction from a functional point of view and is used in the routine follow-up of epileptic children. Optical imaging is a recent and promising medical imaging technique, which uses near-infrared light. This rapid, noninvasive and harmless quantitative technique can be easily used at the child's bedside or in the ward and provides metabolic information on brain functioning.

NCT02819427 — Epilepsy
Status: Active, not recruiting

A Safety and Efficacy Follow-up Study With Levetiracetam in Children (4-17 Years Old) Suffering From Absence Seizures

A 30-month Safety and Efficacy Follow-up Study With Levetiracetam at Individualized Optimal Dose in Children (4-17 Years Old at Inclusion) Suffering From Typical Absences in Childhood Absence Epilepsy (CAE) or Juvenile Absence Epilepsy (JAE)

This long-term open label follow-up trial gave pediatric subjects suffering from typical absences in CAE or JAE the opportunity to continue levetiracetam treatment after participation in the pilot study (study N162) or the double-blind study (study N163). Safety and efficacy data were obtained.

NCT00545012 — Absence Seizures
Status: Completed

Why Are Patients With Absence Seizures Absent? A Brain Imaging Study

Functional Neuroimaging in Childhood Absence Epilepsy

Our study examines which different brain regions are involved in child absence seizures and how they are related to attention and cognition.

NCT00393666 — Childhood Absence Epilepsy
Status: Completed