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Clinical Trial Summary

No studies up to date has been evaluated the effect of FHP on TMJ proprioception.Therefore, this study will be the first one which aims to investigate the effect of FHP on TMJ proprioception in post-pubertal females

Clinical Trial Description

Forward head posture and temporomandibular disorder are two common problems in post-pubertal females. They are closely related to each other. Previous studies showed influences of head posture on the mandibular rest position, range of functional movements and the jaw and neck muscles work together during rhythmic movements. They affirm that patients with TMD present more alterations in head positioning than patients with no dysfunction .

However, no studies up to date has been evaluated the effect of FHP on TMJ proprioception. The proprioceptors in the human TMJ play important key role in identification of mandibular position when the teeth are not occluded. TMJ receptors provide the greater afferent activity regarding perceptual awareness of joint position and movement . Proper assessment of TMJ proprioception may be critical for designing not only rehabilitation but also pre-habilitation interventions for patients with FHP aiming to prevent TMD. Therefore, this study will be the first one which aims to investigate the effect of FHP on TMJ proprioception in post-pubertal females. This study may expand the role of physiotherapy in woman's health. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03778034
Study type Observational
Source Cairo University
Contact Nehal gamal, bachleor
Phone 01096691802
Status Not yet recruiting
Start date October 1, 2019
Completion date December 15, 2019

See also
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