Endothelial Dysfunction Clinical Trial
Official title:
Prematurity as Predictor of Children's Cardiovascular-renal Health (PREMATCH)
Extreme preterm birth interferes with the development of the cardiovascular system. Both
macro- as well as microvasculature undergoes extensive, organ specific maturation. Under
normal fetal conditions, microvascular growth drives renal development and continues until
34-36 weeks of gestational age, while retinal vascular growth continues until term age.
Studies show that there is association between low birth weight and cardiovascular
dysfunction. According to the Barker hypothesis, this is due to nutritional shortage. In
extreme preterm birth cases, this growth restriction is observed in neonatal life.
In adult life, this suboptimal growth is associated with impaired renal and (micro)vascular
function, hypertension, glucose intolerance and cardiovascular disease. According to the
Brenner hypothesis, disrupted renal development results in hyperfiltration and hypertension,
a process that subsequently promotes itself and leads to renal impairment. We will
investigate macro- and microvasculature in different organs, including eye, kidney, heart
and sublingual mucosa in former preterm infants, now aged 8-13 years old and age-matched
The expectation is that the results of this project will identify risk factors for
cardiovascular-renal disease in the adult life of former preterm infants compared to the
controls, while further analysis on mediators in neonatal life of this cardiovascular-renal
outcome may provide new information on perinatal risk factors.
STATE OF THE ART The cardiovascular system (both macro- and microcirculation) undergoes
extensive maturation throughout fetal, perinatal and pediatric life. Extreme preterm birth
interferes with the normal development of the cardiovascular and microcirculatory systems.
Disruption in vascular ontogenesis leads to abnormalities in the microvascular structure and
circulation in various organs, such as retina (retinopathy of prematurity [O'Connor et
al.]), kidney (abnormal glomerulogenesis [Sutherland et al.]) and glycocalyx in sublingual
capillaries [Nieuwdorp et al.], among microvascular-driven disruptions observed in other
organs (e.g. periventricular leukomalacia [Takashima et al.], bronchopulmonary dysplasia
[Gien et al.]). Besides the well known retinopathy of prematurity, microvascular growth
drives glomerulogenesis in the kidney and terminates after 34-36 weeks of gestational age
under normal fetal conditions.
Perinatal (fetal or neonatal) growth restriction or preterm birth therefore impairs
glomerulogenesis [Sutherland et al., Abitbol et al., Barker et al., Faa et al., Gubhaju et
al., Zaffanello et al.]. Other cardiovascular abnormalities following from premature birth
in later life include decreased heart rate variability [Rakow et al.], endothelial
dysfunction [Norman et al.] and hypertension [Abitbol et al., Keijzer-Veen et al.].
Epidemiological observations further confirm that former preterm born infants are indeed at
increased risk to develop cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease during adulthood
[Brenner et al., Carmody et al., Vieux et al., Zandi-Nejad et al.]. The concept that fetal
and perinatal conditions affect normal cardiovascular and renal ontogeny is in itself not
new. Epidemiological studies showed that there is an association between low birth weight
and vascular dysfunction in later life, suggesting that vascular impairment in early life is
a harbinger of a poorer long-term prognosis [Sutherland et al., Bacchetta et al.,
Keijzer-Veen et al., Puddu et al.]. Intra-uterine growth retardation and children small for
gestational age can be regarded as a failure of a fetus to reach the genetic potential of
growth due to nutritional deprivation, the so-called Barker hypothesis [Barker et al.]. In
adult life, this early growth retardation is associated with impaired renal and
(micro)vascular function, hypertension, glucose intolerance and cardiovascular disease
[Sutherland et al., Abitbol et al., Faa et al., Zaffanello et al., Carmody et al.,
Keijzer-Veen et al.].
The same sequence of vascular impairment serving as an indicator for long-term prognosis
applies to the (early) postnatal life of preterm infants. According to the Brenner
hypothesis, the decreased number of nephrons causes hyperfiltration, sodium loss with
activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system and hypertension [Brenner et al.], a
process that entails further nephron loss, predisposition to develop proteinuria and
possibly chronic kidney disease [Vieux et al., Puddu et al.].
MOVING BEYOND THE CURRENT STATE OF THE ART This project aims to move beyond the
state-of-the-art by studying association between macro- and microvascular structure and
function in children (8-13 years) born prematurely (extremely low birth weights, ELBW, i.e.
birth weight below 1000 grams), and sex- and age-matched controls. The specific strengths
hereby are that this ELBW cohort has been well characterized on its perinatal aspects
[George et al.]. The characterization in the postnatal period includes biometry, perinatal
characteristics (e.g. Apgar score, drugs, respiratory support), creatinine trends in the
first 6 weeks of postnatal life and psychomotor development (Bayley Scales of Infant
Development) at the age of nine months and two years.
The phenotypes of interest for the current project include the micro- and macrocirculation,
cardiac structure and function, endothelial function and renal anatomy and function during
childhood. We hereby aim to apply state of the art methods (cf methodology section) to
assess micro- and macrocirculatory function, combined with state of the art statistics and
advanced tools (metabolomics, epigenetics) to explore epidemiological findings and its
The expectation is that the results of this project will identify and quantify risk factors
in former preterm infants for cardiovascular-renal disease when compared to control
children, while we can also map early risk factors for cardiovascular-renal disease in adult
life and pave the way for a better informed prevention of these complications. Finally, data
collected in this specific cohort can be compared to data collected in other cohorts.
HYPOTHESIS We hypothesize that former ELBW infants, compared to controls following term
birth, will be associated with changes in the macro- and microcirculation of the
cardiovascular-renal system already in young children over and beyond what is currently
known. These changes - even if subtle - are probably forerunners of cardiovascular-renal
complications in adulthood. In addition, confounders (e.g. neonatal nutrition, neonatal
treatment) documented in the early life may identify new approaches for early prevention.
OBJECTIVES Using a case-control design in a 1/2 proportion, this study aims to detect
functional and structural changes in children after preterm birth (ELBW) compared with
children born after normal gestation with normal weight. The phenotypic aspects considered
cover micro- and macrovascular structures and function.
1. Endothelial function
2. Sublingual capillary glycocalyx and density
3. Retinal imaging and visual acuity
4. Left ventricular function
5. Renal anatomy and function
6. Structure and function of the carotid artery (intima-media thickness, distensibility,
Young's elastic modulus), aortic pulse wave velocity and the systolic augmentation
MODULATORS Next, this project will search for host characteristics, life style and
environmental factors (see below) that may further modulate the differences in youngsters
born either prematurely (case, ELBW) and at term, as well as for circulating and urinary
biomarkers that are associated with the observed differences, and may provide insight into
the pathogenesis involved.
IDENTIFICATION OF PREDICTORS Based on the existing database of the early perinatal follow-up
of the prematurely born infants, this project will attempt to construct models predicting
increased risk of potentially clinically significant changes associated with preterm birth
and vice versa (mediators in neonatal life may predict cardiovascular-renal outcome in adult
pooling of these cardiovascular phenotypic data in children with other cohorts, either or
not former ELBW cases may provide opportunities for additional prediction model development,
validation and subsequent secondary preventive strategies.
METHODOLOGY Methodology-related issues include phenotyping, database construction/quality
control, modulators, predictors and statistics.
1. Endothelial function will be assessed by 24h urinary microalbumin excretion and digital
pulse wave amplitude hyperemic response (photoplethysmography,PPG). To determine
amplitude changes of the digital pulse, the response of the PPG pulse wave amplitude to
hyperemia will be calculated from the hyperemic fingertip as ratio of post-deflation
PPG pulse to baseline amplitude (PAht/PAh0, PA=pulse amplitude, h=hyperemic finger,
t=time interval, 0=baseline). To obtain this ratio, we will divide the PAht/PAh0 ratio
by the corresponding ratio at the control hand (PAct/PAc0, c=control finger)[Kuznetsova
et al.].
2. To measure sublingual capillary glycocalyx and density, videos (10 sec) of sublingual
capillaries in 2 areas lateral of the frenulum and 3-4 cm anterior to the tongue base
will be recorded, using orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) and side stream dark
field (SDF) imaging [Hubble et al.]. In our hands, the intra- and inter-observer
reproducibility of capillary density is 10.2 and 13.4% respectively. The
erythrocyte-endothelium gap is the gold standard for glycocalyx measurement in vivo
[Nieuwdorp et al.], as endothelial glycocalyx allows limited access to erythrocytes.
The perfused boundary region (PBR) hereby reflects glycocalyx thickness and integrity,
increased PBR glycocalyx loss.
3. Retinal imaging will be performed using a Canon Cr-DGi (Canon Co Ltd, Kyoto, Japan)
nonmydriatic retinal visualization system. After accommodation to darkness, 1 image/eye
will be obtained [Liu et al.]. Trained observers will identify individual arterioles
and venules, using a validated computer-assisted program IVAN (Vasculo-matic Nicola,
Ophthalmology and Visual Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison[Sherry et al.]). In
addition, we will investigate visual acuity (clearness of vision, spatial resolution of
the visual processing system) by the non-invasive adapted Snellen charts without visual
4. All children will undergo detailed assessment of left ventricular (LV) function through
echocardiography. PREMATCH will hereby focus on early changes in diastolic and systolic
LV function. In combination with tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), transmitral and
pulmonary vein blood flows will be used to detect LV filling changes.
5. Renal anatomy and function will be assessed by 2-dimensional measurement, renal
arterial Doppler blood flow measurement and 3-dimensional calculations. Creatinine
clearance, 24h microalbuminuria and Cystatin C on peripheral blood (serum) will be
6. The structure and function of the carotid artery, aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and
systolic augmentation index will be assessed as measures of macrovascular function and
structure. We will use ultrasound to measure the local properties of the common carotid
artery. diameter, distension, and intima-media thickness will be measured and averaged
over 3 cardiac cycles in recordings consisting of >4 consecutive beats. Distensibility
(103/kPa), compliance (mm²/kPa) and Young's elastic modulus will be calculated. Local
application tonometry will be performed (SpyghmoCor system). Measurements will be
performed at carotid, radial and femoral arteries. The local arterial pulse wave will
be recorded as well as carotid-to-femoral and carotid-to-radial PWV (cf- and cr-PWV).
The carotid and radial augmentation indexes will be measured directly at the carotid
and radial arteries and the aortic augmentation index will be calculated from the
radial signal by the validated generalized transfer function [Richart et al.,
Seidlerova et al., Mischak et al.].Furthermore, we will implement ambulatory assessment
of central hemodynamics, using the Mobil-O-Graph 24h PWA Monitor (IEM GmbH, Stolberg,
Germany), a validated monitor for 24h blood pressure monitoring, including the
ARCSolver application, which allows pulse wave analysis of the central blood pressure
and measuring of aortic PWV [Luzardo et al.].
DATABASE CONSTRUCTION/QUALITY CONTROL Trained nurses will code questionnaires, technicians
will enter the data. For quality assurance, 10% of questionnaires will be randomly selected
and recoded by another nurse. All data will be inputted twice by different technicians.
Duplicate datasets will be compared with the PROC COMPARE application (SAS software) to
trace input errors. Data coders and SAS programs will check for internal consistency of
questionnaire replies. Non-Gaussian distributions will be normalized by proper
transformation. As part of the quality control, descriptive statistics will be generated at
6 month intervals.
- Anthropometric characteristics, by sex, age, height, weight, body mass index, span
width, waist-tohip ratio, skinfolds (Harpenden Skinfold Caliper, Bedfordshire, UK).
- Matrix reasoning and spatial orientation tests (Wechsler), indicators of mental
- Muscle strength, by grip strength.
- Sexual maturation, by Tanner scale.
- Office and self-measured home blood pressure, by Mobil-O-Graph 24h PWA monitor (IEM,
Stolberg, Germany)
- Body composition, by Bodystat4000 (Bodystat Ltd, Douglas, UK)
- Questionnaire (education, medication use, habits, menarche (girls) and familial and
personal history).
- Measurements on blood and 24h urine samples. Plasma, serum and urine samples will be
divided into aliquots and stored (-20/-80°C) at the bio-bank of the Studies
Coordinating Centre (SCC). Routine measurements include hemoglobin, hematocrit, red and
white blood cell counts, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, differential white blood cells count, serum
creatinine, uric acid, serum lipids (total, HDL-cholesterol), glycaemia and insulin.
Measurements of metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress include: 8-hydroxy
-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), interleukin-6 and high sensitivity C-reactive
protein[Pearson et al.]. Other measurements will be considered if enough samples are
available (e.g. homeostasis model assessment index (HOMA)[Marcelis et al.], leptin,
adiponectin [Marcelis et al., Yeon et al.], E-selectin, P-selectin, vascular adhesion
molecule-1, plasma fibrinogen, tumor necrosis factor, superoxide dismutase or serum
malondialdehyde[Rao et al., Sharma et al.]).
Measurements of 24h urine samples include volume, electrolytes, creatinine, micro-albumin,
and aldosterone. Urinary proteomics will be done in collaboration with Prof Harald Mischak,
SME Mosaiques (mosaiques-diagnostics.de) by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass
spectrometry according to standard operating procedures in an environment with proper
quality control [Mischak et al.].
- GPS coordinates of residence. Meteorological data and data on airborne pollutants and fine
particulate collected from the appropriate sources.
PREDICTORS In our published cohort [George et al.] on creatinemia in ELBW infants in the
first 6 weeks of life, raised creatinemia reflected immaturity (e.g. gestational age,
weight) and morbidity (Apgar, ventilation, retinopathy of prematurity, intraventricular
hemmorrhage), but also treatment modalities (e.g. ibuprofen, steroids, parenteral
nutrition). We will link the perinatal covariates and creatinine trends to the dataset of
this study to explore to what extent perinatal data predict cardiovascular and renal
outcome. Since also treatment modalities are included, this study will provide first data on
long term cardiovascular and renal outcome following drug exposure.
Observational Model: Case Control, Time Perspective: Cross-Sectional
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT02122198 -
Vascular Mechanisms for the Effects of Loss of Ovarian Hormone Function on Cognition in Women
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04156711 -
Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Patients Undergoing Acute Minor Abdominal Surgery
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06133634 -
Fisetin to Improve Vascular Function in Older Adults
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT05872139 -
Role of Mitochondrial-derived Oxidative Stress to Promote Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Non-exercisers With Aging
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT04558450 -
Covid-19 Effects on Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Aging (CARTESIAN)
N/A | |
Terminated |
NCT03325933 -
Resistance Training and Cardiometabolic Health
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05939934 -
Impact of the Mandibular Advancement Device on Sleep Apnea During CPAP Withdrawal
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02652975 -
Anticancer Treatment of Breast Cancer Related to Cardiotoxicity and Dysfunctional Endothelium
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT02334839 -
The Association Between Severity of Hypertensive Disorder During Pregnancy and Endothelial Dysfunction
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT02020044 -
Outcome After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) and Ultra-thin Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01691404 -
Study on the Effects of Epicatechin and Quercetin Supplementation on Vascular Function and Blood Pressure (FLAVO)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01775865 -
Targeting Inflammation to Treat Cardiovascular Aging
Phase 2 | |
Terminated |
NCT01412216 -
The Effects of Sedentarism on Vascular Function, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT01319344 -
Effect of Eplerenone on Endothelial Function in Metabolic Syndrome
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00848302 -
Endothelial Function in Human Arteries
Early Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT00990730 -
Atherosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00987974 -
Short Term Statin Treatment and Endothelial Dysfunction Due to Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT00532844 -
A Phase 2, Pharmacokinetic (PK) Study of 6R-BH4 Alone or 6R-BH4 With Vitamin C in Subjects With Endothelial Dysfunction
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT00376246 -
Effect of Ezetimibe on Flow-mediated Brachial Artery Reactivity in Healthy Subjects
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT00775099 -
Combustion Derived Air Pollution and Vascular Function
N/A |