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Clinical Trial Summary

The amount of fluids characterized as non-resuscitation fluids given to ICU patients are likely to be high and will probably have a substantial impact on the total amount of fluid administered to ICU patients daily. It will most likely also influence on the total fluid balance and the negative outcome of fluid overload.

The aim of our study is to investigate the amount of fluid given as maintenance fluids in the ICU and the impact of this fluid on total fluid balance.

Clinical Trial Description

Fluid therapy is an important part in both prevention and treatment of shock and multiple organ dysfunction in the ICU. However, the risks of giving patients too much fluids resulting in fluid has been gaining increased focus during recent years. Numerous studies regarding the amount of resuscitation fluid given to ICU patients have been performed, as well as investigations regarding factors that trigger the decision to deliver a fluid challenge to the patients. Likewise, multiple studies reveal that a more restrictive use of resuscitation fluids often lead to a better outcome for our patients.

However, data regarding the amount of maintenance fluids and the effect of maintenance fluids on fluid balance and consequently outcome remain sparse. One major difficulty is that there is no universal definition of the term maintenance fluid. Some researchers include all fluids that is not considered resuscitation fluids, i.e. fluids given to administer drugs, to keep peripheral and central venous catheters functioning, administration of basal fluid needs and nutrition, while others exclude fluids covering basal needs and nutrition from the definition. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03972475
Study type Observational [Patient Registry]
Source Uppsala University
Status Completed
Start date January 1, 2018
Completion date April 15, 2020

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