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Clinical Trial Summary

This study will compare two approaches to cognitive rehabilitation in adults with long COVID with persistent, mild to moderate, cognitive impairment. One approach will feature (A) web-based computer "games" that trains how quickly individuals process information that they receive through their senses; (B) in-lab training on everyday activities with important cognitive components, (C) procedures designed to transfer improvements in cognition from the treatment setting to everyday life, and (D) a non-invasive form of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), i.e., trans-auricular VNS (taVNS). Component B will include work-related tasks. This approach is termed Constraint-Induced Cognitive Therapy (CICT). The other approach will feature (A) web-based computer "games" that train reaction time and eye-hand coordination; (B) in-lab training on relaxation, healthy nutrition, and healthy sleep, (C) procedures designed to promote integration of these lifestyle changes into everyday life, and (D) taVNS. This approach is termed Brain Fitness Training (BFT). A subset of participants, who qualify for and and desire vocational rehabilitation (VR), will receive VR from the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) in addition to CICT or BFT. ADRS VR will include career counseling, prescription of on-the-job accommodations, and guidance on return-to-work. Those in the CICT + VR group will also receive on-the-job coaching from a peer mentor for a month after completing training. CICT, with or without VR, will involve 30 hours of training. Ten 3-hour in-lab, face-to-face, therapist-directed sessions will be scheduled. These sessions will feature one hour of gaming; the remainder will be committed to in-lab training on the target behaviors and the procedures designed to promote transfer of therapeutic gains to daily life and improving skills essential to work; the set of the latter procedures is termed the Transfer Package. ta-VNS will administered for 10 minutes before gaming and in-lab target behavior training. To accommodate the demands of participants' other activities, training sessions will be permitted to be scheduled as tightly as every weekday over 2 weeks or as loosely as every other weekday or so over 4 weeks. If a family caregiver is available, they will receive training on how to best support participants in their therapeutic program. After training ends, four follow-up phone calls will be scheduled approximately one-week apart with participants to promote integration of the skills gained during training into everyday life. BFT, with or without VR, will involve 30 hours of training following the same schedule as for CICT. Ten 3-hour in-lab, face-to-face, therapist-directed sessions will be scheduled. These sessions will feature one hour of gaming; the remainder will be committed to in-lab training on the target behaviors (healthy sleep, nutrition and relaxation habits) and the procedures designed to promote transfer of behavior change to daily life. ta-VNS will be administered for 10 minutes before gaming and in-lab target behavior training. If a family caregiver is available, they will receive training on how to best support participants in their therapeutic program. After training ends, four follow-up phone calls will be scheduled approximately one-week apart with participants to promote integration of the skills gained during training into everyday life. Participants will be randomly assigned to the interventions. Randomization will be stratified by whether participants qualify for and desire VR from ADRS or not. If yes, participants will be randomized in equal numbers to CICT + VR or BFT + VR. If no, participants will be randomized in equal numbers to CICT or BFT. Testing will happen one month before treatment, one day before treatment, one day afterwards, and 6- and 12-months afterwards. Outcomes measured will include cognitive processing speed, cognitive function on laboratory tests, and spontaneous performance of everyday activities with important cognitive components in daily life. Another important outcome measure will be whether or not participants were able to return back to work or had significant improvements in their work activities.

Clinical Trial Description


Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT06095297
Study type Interventional
Source University of Alabama at Birmingham
Contact Piper Hempfling, MS
Phone 205-934-9768
Status Recruiting
Phase N/A
Start date April 25, 2024
Completion date April 2027

See also
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