Cholera Clinical Trial
Official title:
Impact Evaluation of Oral Cholera Vaccination in a Rural Setting Using the National Immunization System of Bangladesh
Vibrio cholerae is one of the major causes of severe diarrheal disease in Bangladesh. It is
estimated that there are about 450,000 cholera cases each year in Bangladesh. Cholera is
prevalent in both urban and rural settings in the country. Policy decisions about how best a
new public health tool can be incorporated into the system requires evidence. Investigators
have recently carried out a feasibility study of oral cholera vaccine in urban Dhaka in
Mirpur (Protocol #10061). However, whether a similar system can also be utilized in a rural
area in Bangladesh needs to be studied.
The hospital disease surveillance data from International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease
Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) reveals a substantial burden of cholera from Keraniganj
upazila. Investigators propose a feasibility study of oral cholera vaccination by using the
existing national immunization service delivery mechanism in Keraniganj. This study will help
to provide evidence for the policy makers in introducing oral cholera vaccine in preventing
cholera in high risk rural areas in Bangladesh.
That icddr,b in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh will be able to implement an
oral cholera vaccine program that;
1. reaches residents of rural union of Keraniganj
2. reduces the incidence of diarrhea due to Vibrio cholerae
1. Carry out cholera vaccination in one rural union in Keraniganj.
2. Evaluate the impact of vaccination in reducing cholera in the study area
Two unions in Keraniganj will be selected; around 30,000 individuals in one union will be
vaccinated and impact evaluated by comparison with another similar union. After vaccination,
passive cholera surveillance at the Upazila hospital will be conducted for two years on the
patients from the two unions.
Outcome measures/variables:
Cholera vaccination programme will be assessed by the number of doses administered, drop-out
rates between the two rounds, the proportion of vaccine wastage, and the vaccine coverage.
Proportion of diarrheal hospitalizations that are due to V. cholerae O1 between the
vaccinated and non vaccinated union will be calculated and compared to assess the impact of
This study in two selected rural cholera endemic unions in Keraniganj Upazila near Dhaka city
will continue for two and half years. The study has two major components- 1. Feasibility of
intervention with oral cholera vaccine in one union; and, 2. Impact evaluation of the
intervention through prospective passive surveillance for diarrheal patients coming from the
two selected unions at the upazila health complex. For the cholera vaccination all male and
non-pregnant female residents above one year age will be targeted for vaccination in the
selected union. Investigators are excluding less than one year children and pregnant woman
form vaccination. For the surveillance part a standardized questionnaire will be administered
to all consented diarrheal patients or their guardians in order to obtain information on
diarrhea, health and demographic issues. Stool samples will be co llected and tested for V.
cholerae O1 and O139.
Investigators, purposively, have selected Keraniganj Upazila of Dhaka as the study area due
to high incidence of diarrhea and evidence of culture confirmed cholera and its close
proximity to Dhaka. Based on the Keraniganj diarrheal disease report and evidence of cholera
prevalence in icddr,b surveillance data, the Ruhitpur union with approximately thirty
thousand population will be selected as our area for vaccination, the intervention union.
To evaluate the effectiveness of intervention Investigators will include Basta union of
Keraniganj as the non-intervention area. In selecting the two unions, to make them
comparable, in addition to population size, evidence of diarrhea and cholera, Investigators
have considered the closeness to the Upazila Health Complexes (UHC), presence of educational
institutes and health facilities, literacy rates, land area, etc.
Investigators will use the killed whole cell oral cholera vaccine, "Shanchol", manufactured
by Shantha Biotechnics for the study. The vaccine is registered in India and is prequalified
by WHO. In urban Mirpur area investigators have already successfully used more than 265,000
doses of the same vaccine. Vaccines are stored in the EPI(Expanded program on immunization)
cold room at 2-8 degree C. Based on available space in District and upazila cold stores,
vaccines will be shifted from the EPI cold room facilities in Dhaka. Investigators will use
the rural health facilities including community clinics as the vaccination site for
vaccinating the catchment eligible targeted population. Investigators will use the existing
EPI cold chain facilities at the Keraniganj Upazila health complex to deliver the vaccine in
the selected union. During vaccination, vaccinators will gently shake the single dose vial
well to disperse the suspension and then open it to feed its content to the recipient. Adults
and older children can take the vaccine by themselves but vaccinators will feed the vaccine
contents to younger children. Trained Community health care provider, Health Assistants and
Family Welfare assistants of the community clinic area will act as vaccinators. There will be
adequate training for all concerned prior to the vaccination programme.
In addition, volunteers from the community will be recruited and trained to assist with the
vaccination and social mobilization activities. Investigators will develop appropriate
communication materials to inform the population about the cholera vaccination opportunity.
Local health facilities, pharmacies and community residents will be involved to assist social
mobilization of the population to attend vaccination sessions. Persons below one year of age
and pregnant women will not receive the vaccine. People living in the adjacent unions will
not be eligible to receive the vaccine, due to limited number of vaccines in hand.
Investigators will have to clarify in a convincing way through the field workers, community
volunteers/leaders and to the stakeholders that everyone cannot be given the intervention
because of the targeted approach and unavailability of vaccine for all and because this study
is only a feasibility study to test the vaccine delivery mechanism in a rural setting.
All patients from the study area to the Keraniganj Upazila Health Complex (UHC) with
diarrhoea will be included in cholera surveillance. All study participants will be encouraged
to attend Upazila health complex for the treatment of diarrhoeal diseases at the initiation
of the study and time to time will be reminded by the field workers. A patient who has in the
last 24 hours three or more loose or liquid stool is defined as a case of diarrhea (13). The
surveillance for cholera at the Upazila health complex will be carried out for two years. As
the study is implementing passive surveillance in both the unions- intervention and control,
to see the effectiveness of the intervention, the key element is to capture most of the cases
coming from the two unions. To do so, the study will convey the messages to the people of the
two unions to utilize the existing GoB(Government of Bangladesh) facility in the upazila
health complex for diarrheal illness. Study will provide a card to the peoples in two unions
which will contain such messages, while distributing the cards field workers will convey the
messages and tell them to bring the cards for diarrheal illness at the Keraniganj UHC. The
existing field health workers, workers in the health facilities (community clinics, health &
family welfare center) will be encouraged to convey such messages and refer the diarrheal
patients to the Keraniganj upazila health complex. The patients in the OPD(out patient
department) and ORT(oral rehydration therapy) corners at the Keraniganj UHC will be included
in the passive surveillance and other private clinics/hospital(if available and agrees) will
also be taken under surveillance.
Investigators will collect stool or rectal swab specimens from diarrheal patients coming from
the study population for diarrheal diseases. Specimens will be evaluated for V. cholerae
O1and O139 according to WHO/CDC guidelines at the icddr,b.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT01895855 -
Safety and Efficacy Challenge Study of Live Oral Cholera Vaccine Candidate,PXVX0200, to Prevent Cholera
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT01339845 -
Introduction of Cholera Vaccine in Bangladesh
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05829772 -
Impact Study of Cholera Vaccination in Endemic Areas - Seroprevalence
Completed |
NCT04760236 -
Immune Non-Inferiority, Safety and Lot-to-Lot Consistency of Oral Cholera Vaccine-Simplified Compared to Shancholâ„¢
Phase 3 | |
Recruiting |
NCT04326478 -
Single Dose Azithromycin to Prevent Cholera in Children
Phase 2 | |
Recruiting |
NCT06104345 -
Immune Response Elicited by Concomitant Administration of Oral Typhoid Fever (Vivotif®) and Cholera (Dukoral®) Vaccines
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT02928341 -
Impact Evaluation of Urban Water Supply Improvements on Cholera and Other Diarrhoeal Diseases in Uvira, Democratic Republic of Congo
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02864433 -
Evaluation of a Pilot Program to Introduce Cholera Vaccine in Haiti as Part of Global Cholera Control Efforts
Recruiting |
NCT06003816 -
Cholera-Hospital-Based-Intervention-for-7-Days (CHoBI7) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Case Area Targeted Intervention (CATI)
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05771779 -
Co-administration Study of OCV, TCV and MR
Phase 3 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT06455852 -
Correlates of Protection for Cholera
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04150250 -
Cholera Anti-Secretory Treatment Trial
Phase 2 | |
Terminated |
NCT00624975 -
Safety and Immunogenicity of Peru-15 Vaccine When Given With Measles Vaccine in Healthy Indian and Bangladeshi Infants
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT00226616 -
Zinc Supplementation in Cholera Patients
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT03373669 -
Effect of Extended Dose Intervals on the Immune Response to Oral Cholera Vaccine
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT02094586 -
A Phase 3 Lot to Lot Consistency Study of Live Oral Cholera Vaccine, PXVX0200 in Healthy Adults
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT02100631 -
A Study of Live Oral Cholera Vaccine, PXVX200 in Healthy Older Adults
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT01823939 -
PK Study of iOWH032 in Adult Male/Female Healthy Volunteers & Adult Males With Cholera
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT01365442 -
Pilot Introduction of Oral Cholera Vaccine in Orissa, India
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00128011 -
Safety and Immunogenicity of a New Formulation of a Bivalent Killed, Whole-Cell Oral Cholera Vaccine
Phase 2 |