Heart Failure and ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Clinical Trial
Objective: The purpose of this project is to study the post miyocardial infaction (MI) damage and subsequently developed post-infarct cardiac repair process on the basis of cellular, molecular and imaging techniques. Besides this, whole genomesequencing and analysis (GWAS) will be performed to determine common varying genetic loci in order to anticipate whetherthese findings and its related pathways would be the predictors of adverse remodeling after MI or not.
A brief description of the issue and the original value of the subject: Epidemiological studies show a clear increase ininfarct-related complications due to increased survival after MI and aging population. Heart failure is the most prevalent complication after MI, which has reached epidemic proportions in western societies. For the period between 2010 and 2030,according to projections made in developed countries, about 10% increment in all cardiovascular disease is being predictedhowever increment in heart failure (HF) would be such a dramatic figure which is about 25%. HF is an increasing burden tosociety and healthcare systems, since its prevalence and incidence is dramatically increasing. There has not been aprospective study that assesses the exact cellular and geometric course after MI in human. This study will allow us tounderstand the behavior of cells involved in cardiac repair after MI. In addition, it will show us the exact functional andgeometric course after MI. Finally, the current study will also provide novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets via genomic andproteomic studies. All together, we envision to find new efficient ways to identify/treat patients at risk to develop HF after MI. ;
Observational Model: Cohort, Time Perspective: Prospective