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Gestational Diabetes clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01675271 Completed - Clinical trials for Gestational Diabetes

Autonomic Nervous System and Exercise In Gestational Diabetes

Start date: February 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The focus of this study is on individualized exercise prescription on primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Special attention is set on autonomic nervous system function and inflammation. This study will seek novel, cost-effective models of exercise prescription that will emphasize individuals own response on her health and which would be easily implemented to primary health care as primary prevention for CVD. According to power calculation,sixty women planning pregnancy with BMI equal or over 30 and/or history of GDM will be recruited and randomized to an individual exercise arm (n=20), a general exercise arm (n=20) and a control arm (n=20). General intervention group will receive general exercise and dietary counselling whereas a personal exercise and dietary programs will be planned for individualized exercise group. Those randomized to the control arm will receive no dietary and exercise information. Clinical exercise tests and autonomic nervous system tests will be performed in the beginning of the study and after 3 months intervention. Blood samples for markers of inflammation, glucose homeostasis and lipid status will be collected from prepregnancy period until 1 years after delivery.

NCT ID: NCT01630759 Completed - Clinical trials for Gestational Diabetes

Remote Monitoring of Diabetes in Pregnancy: a Feasibility Study

Start date: January 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

When women with diabetes become pregnant it is particularly important to control blood sugar levels to prevent complications. Women are advised to test their blood glucose levels seven times a day and to attend antenatal and diabetes clinics every 1-2 weeks throughout the pregnancy. For those living in rural areas in the North and West of Ireland getting to a hospital specialising in the management of diabetes and pregnancy on such a regular basis can be a challenge. Telemonitoring provides a possible solution to this problem by allowing patients to monitor their vital signs at home and transmit the information via telephone to their healthcare provider. If women could be safely monitored remotely for every other appointment it would mean that they would only need to visit the hospital once a month on a routine basis but with the option of attending the hospital if the remote telemonitoring indicated that this were necessary. The aim of this study is to assess the feasibility and the acceptability of using remote telemonitoring facilities between antenatal women with gestational diabetes and the diabetes team and the possibility of replacing alternate diabetic review clinics with remote telemonitoring. In addition this study will explore the feasibility of running a full randomised control trial of this topic. Women will be asked to monitor their blood sugar levels seven times a day which is part of usual care. However those in the remote telemonitoring group will be asked to measure their blood sugar using a meter that can transmit the results via a telephone line and to transmit them weekly. They will also be asked to measure their blood pressure and weight weekly and to download these results weekly for a health care professional to review. These results will be reviewed on a weekly basis by a health care professional who will contact the patient if necessary to discuss the results. Women will be followed-up from the date of diagnosis through to delivery. Both staff and patients will be asked to give their views on the safety and acceptability of remote telemonitoring through questionnaires, focus groups or interviews. The management decisions made on reviewing the intervention group in clinic and reviewing remote telemonitoring results will also be recorded. In order for remote telemonitoring to be a viable replacement for clinic review it must allow health care professionals to make comparable management decisions. Clinical data will be collected in order to provide descriptive statistics for those who take part and to ensure that this information could be collected in any future Randomised Control Trial (RCT) looking at this topic.

NCT ID: NCT01578460 Completed - Clinical trials for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies

Start date: May 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Poor glucose control during pregnancy is a significant concern for Canadian women with diabetes. This problem is magnified in First Nations women, who have among the highest rates of gestational diabetes (GDM) in the world (up to 18% of First Nations women will develop GDM during pregnancy and 70% of these will go on to develop type 2 diabetes later). Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology has the potential to help women maintain tighter control during pregnancy, however, in the First Nations population, there are many unique barriers that may affect use of this technology. Such barriers include remoteness of the community, cultural apprehension, lack or difficulty of access to care, and language differences. A total of 60 participants from three participating First Nations communities in Southern Ontario will participate in the study. Participants will self-select to either the CGM group (n=30) or the control group (n=30) after consenting to participate in the study. Participants in both groups will be asked to monitor their blood glucose for 5 days for the 28th, 32nd and 36th week of gestation. Primary outcomes to be evaluated include maternal A1c and offspring birth weight. To assess the feasibility and acceptability of CGMs among First Nations women, a questionnaire will be distributed to participants to gather insight into their rationale for enrolling into either group. Recruitment rates for both groups will also be used to assess feasibility and acceptability of CGMs. Additionally, all participants will be encouraged to participate in a community lifestyle program consisting of 30-min exercise sessions offered five days a week. The community lifestyle program will be adapted to the community, linked to existing programs with support from program personnel and will include educational sessions related to diabetes and healthy lifestyles. It is hypothesized that through participation in the community lifestyle program, pregnant First Nations women with diabetes will experience a decrease in their blood glucose values post-exercise, mitigate excessive weight gain and normalize their A1c's. It is further hypothesized that an increase in women's regular physical activity levels, the number of steps taken and knowledge of diabetes will be observed.

NCT ID: NCT01540396 Completed - Clinical trials for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Diagnostic Methods

Start date: February 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a pilot feasibility study of 40 pregnant women to test the investigators' recruitment, enrollment and randomization procedures in preparation to conduct a larger randomized control trial to compare diagnostic methods for gestational diabetes. The two methods that are being compared are the 2 hour 75 gram OGGT (2011 ADA guidelines) versus a 1 hour 50 gram GCT + 3 hour 100 gram OGTT if the 1 hour result is abnormal (Carpenter and Coustan criteria).

NCT ID: NCT01510665 Completed - Obesity Clinical Trials

Magnesium Supplementation in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy to Overweight and Obese Individuals

Start date: January 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a prospective, randomized, placebo controlled study with three parallel arms examining the effects of magnesium supplementation in the second trimester of pregnancy. Recent research has shown that supplemental magnesium can have beneficial effects, especially in overweight individuals. Not only do many people have a magnesium deficient diet, there is also evidence that magnesium can improve blood sugar levels. Due to the growing concern of obesity with pregnancy and its associated complications, such as diabetes and abnormal fetal growth, magnesium therapy could have novel and beneficial effects on pregnancy outcomes. In this study, 60 overweight and obese pregnant patients in their first trimester will be enrolled and randomized. The first group (A) will receive oral magnesium citrate (300mg elemental Magnesium), group B will receive dietary counseling about following a magnesium rich diet from a nutritionist, and group C will receive a placebo (control). Blood and urine specimens will be collected at three time points during the pregnancy to analyze changes in levels of metabolic markers, inflammatory markers, and protein expression profiles. Fetal and maternal complications of pregnancy will be noted, including maternal weight gain. At delivery, patients will have a placental cord blood specimen and placental biopsy collected for gene expression patterns and further analysis.

NCT ID: NCT01489163 Completed - Clinical trials for Gestational Diabetes

Lifestyle Intervention Program for Women With Gestational Diabetes or Gestational Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Start date: December 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this research study is to implement and evaluate a lifestyle program designed to help women who have high glucose levels during pregnancy make healthful diet and physical activity changes to lose weight. Eligible women will be randomly assigned to life-style intervention or usual medical care.

NCT ID: NCT01405547 Completed - Obesity Clinical Trials

Gestational Metabolic Abnormalities and Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Health

Start date: March 2009
Study type: Observational

Childhood obesity is on the rise and is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes later in life. Recent evidence indicates that abnormalities that increase risk for diabetes may be initiated early in infancy. Since the offspring of women with diabetes have an increased long-term risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes, the impact of maternal metabolic abnormalities on early nutrition and infant metabolic trajectories is of considerable interest. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of maternal nutrition and metabolic abnormalities in pregnancy on human milk and subsequently on infant health over the first year of life.

NCT ID: NCT01344278 Completed - Obesity Clinical Trials

Diabetes Prevention Strategies in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

Start date: April 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The main goal of this study is to examine the comparative effectiveness of diabetes prevention strategies in women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) on the control of the following conditions: obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension and depression. This randomized lifestyle intervention study will be conducted at Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Women in the intervention will receive a letter on gestational weight gain during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, a curriculum of individualized lifestyle counseling via telephone, augmented with e-mail and an interactive Web site. Patients randomized to the usual care arm will receive the standard-care telephone calls from the Perinatal Center during pregnancy and the Center's printed educational materials postpartum. Outcomes will be assessed through the electronic medical record and patient surveys conducted during pregnancy and at 6-weeks, 6- months and 1-year postpartum.

NCT ID: NCT01339637 Completed - Metabolic Syndrome Clinical Trials

Evaluation of Low Source of Signal in SCOUT DS

Start date: April 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

The overall objective of this study is to increase the number of dark skin tone individuals in the data set and evaluate if this increase in dark skin tone data has an impact on the accuracy of the SCOUT DS Diabetes Risk Score (DRS).

NCT ID: NCT01307995 Completed - Clinical trials for Gestational Diabetes

The Incretin Effect in Patients With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Start date: April 2007
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

The aim of this study is to evaluate the reduced incretin effect observed in patients with T2DM in relation to reversibility. The incretin effect will be measured by means of OGTT and iIVGTT in 12 women with GDM during pregnancy (third trimester), and again 2-3 months post partum. It is anticipated that the incretin effect in patients with GDM is reduced - like in patients with other forms of DM. The investigators estimate that approximately 90 % of the patients with GDM re-establish a NGT 2-3 months post partum. This particular group of patients provides a unique possibility for demonstrating the reversibility of the reduced incretin effect in relation to optimal glycaemic control.